KKAMIYAMA BEERはカナダ産電気制御の ʻBrewha BIACʼの小さなタンクで醸造した手作りのビールです。楽しく、いつも発見があり、そして神山町地元の豊かな素材を活かした匠技の美味しいビールを作り続ける、そんな場所を創ることを私たちは目指しています。
KAMIYAMA BEER is handmade in small batches using ʻBrewha BIACʼ tanks, a Canadian electric system. Our mission is to make fun, surprising, expertly crafted and delicious beers integrating Kamiyama’s rich local ingredients.
All our beers are unfiltered, unpasteurised and naturally carbonated in the keg or bottle.
*Our beer is best drunk as fresh as possible and should be kept in the fridge at all times. Bottles contain a yeast sediment and should be stored upright and poured gently to keep the sediment in the bottle.
アイリッシュエクストラスタウト。梅の古木のローストチップを加えることにより、フルーティーで甘い香りとローストチョコレートやコ ーヒーフレーバーの滑らかな口当たりが、完璧なハーモニーを作り出します。
Based on an Irish Foreign Export or Foreign Extra Stout. When we built our brewery we had to cut down several plum trees in the garden, toasted wood chips are added to the fermented beer bringing an extra layer of sweet biscuit like wood flavour, mixing perfectly with the smooth dark chocolate / coffee and deep roast of the stout.
- スタイル
- Export Stout
- Style
- Export Stout
- アルコール度数
- 8.5%
- 8.5%
- 苦味(IBU)
- 68
- 68
- 色度数 (SRM)
- 36.6
- Color (SRM)
- 36.6